Opening Hours: |
Hours by Appointment
Services: | Weekend & Eventing Appointmens Available Home & Hospital Visits, Specializing In:, All Personal Injuries, Auto Accidents, Motorcycle & Trucking Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Unsafe Premises, Dog Bites, Unsafe Or Defective Products, Workers' Compensation & All Work-Related Injuries, Social Security Disability (Ssd And Ssi), Advice, Advocacy, Agreements, Claims, Counseling, Violations |
Specialties: | Accidents, Automobile, Compensation, Defective Product Injuries, Defective Products, Disability, Dog Bites, Governmental Law, Jet Ski, Medical Benefits, Medical Malpractice, Motorcycle, Automotive, Car, Collisions, Faulty Products, Injury Claims, Motor Vehicle, Personal Injuries, Products Liability, Traffic Accidents, Trip, Unsafe Products |
General Content: | It's Time To Call, Specializing In:, The Power To Litigate, No Fee If No Money Is Recovered, Some Of Our More Recent Settlements., Representing The Injured & Disabled Since 1921, The Skill To Negotiate, And Wife Injured In, Bernstein, It's Time To Call..., Settlement For Husband, (Ssd And Ssi), Injury In A Roll-Over, Settlement For Leg Injuries In A Jet Ski, Settlements Don't Happen By Accident, Big Settlements Don't, Big Settlements Don't Happen By Accident, Bus Accidnet., Fast Hearings With Results, Flint Tel No |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Franchise/Chain: | Branch |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 0-2499 |
Fortune 500: | No |