Opening Hours: |
Hours by Appointment Open Evenings |
Services: | Attorneys At Law, Workers' Comp, Personal Injury, Social Security, Appellate Practice |
Service Features: | Contingency Fees |
Specialties: | Accidents, Amputations, Compensation, Death Claims, Governmental Law, Malpractice, Personal Injury, Property Damage, Social Security, Automobile, Automotive, Car, Collisions, Fatalities, Faulty Products, Injury Claims, Job Injuries, Motor Vehicle, Paraplegic & Quadriplegic, Personal Injuries |
Payment Mode: | Workers' Comp |
Certifications: | Workers' Comp |
General Content: | Hurt Injured?, Sometimes You Need An Injury Firm, That Digs Deeper!, Trust Your Lawyer - Trust Your Law Firm, Medical Malpractice, 021021Attr:personal Injury, 021090Attr:workplace Accidents, 023420Attr:worker's Compensation, 260098Attr:workers Compensation, Attorneys, Attorneys Personal Injury & Property Damage Law, Attorneys Social Security & Disability Law, Attorneys Workers Compensation, Employee Benefit & Labor Law, Dog Attacks, Lost Wages, Settlement, Worker's Compensation, Wrongful Death |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Number of PC's: | 10-29 |
Fortune 500: | No |